100 Things You Didn't Know

  1. I spent most of my growing up in a small town in Dixon, California.
  2. I had worked at Coldstone Creamery. Twice.
  3. My favorite job ever was working at Lenox  Outlet in Vacaville, CA selling fine china.
  4. I crave Chinese food when I'm really stressed.
  5. I've been going to Collin County Community College off and on since 2004.
  6. I still haven't graduated.
  7. I was a nutrition major.
  8. In college I studied psychology to fulfill all of my elective credits.
  9. I have a Tinkerbell tattoo on my lower back.
  10. I only got it to prove someone wrong.
  11. It's getting covered with something else.
  12. Don't know what though.
  13. The hubby and I have been married 3 years.
  14. We got engaged after finding out baby number one was on the way.
  15. Fabulous wedding at the courthouse.
  16. We unknowingly got married on 08/08/08 and didn't catch on to what the judge was going on and on about.
  17. We met on Yahoo singles.
  18. Growing up I always thought I would have 3 kids.
  19. 2 down, one to go.
  20. Gave birth to baby one with epidural in place.
  21. Totally planned on it too.
  22. Baby two took ten days to conceive.
  23. Yes. We are awesome.
  24. I will have an epidural again. I'm a total chicken to pain.
  25. I color my hair because I am trying to find my original color.
  26. I should stop coloring it to find, it I know.
  27. My ears have been pierced several times.
  28. I still don't wearing my earrings.
  29. My favorite food is anything peanut butter and chocolate (heaven)
  30. I also love Mexican food, especially guacamole
  31. But will settle for Italian
  32. I love romantic comedies.
  33. Desperately trying to get the hubby too.
  34. In high school I was in marching band.
  35. Since 6th grade I have not played the same instrument two years in a row.
  36. I can play the flute, piccolo, clarinet and the bass clarinet.
  37. I want to learn how to play the piano and cello.
  38. But they are hard, so we'll see.
  39. I am not technology savvy.
  40. I'm forbade from downloading anything with out my hubby's approval.
  41. I'm also not allowed anywhere near water with my cell phone.
  42. I have a really hard time not finishing a book that I started even if I don’t like it
  43. I don’t remotely have the same problem with movies. I will turn it right off.
  44. I believe there in only one correct way to load a dishwasher.
  45. I believe I am the only person who knows how to do it correctly.
  46. I like all the can labels to face the same way.
  47. Can't stand cabinet doors that are ajar.
  48. I don't like other people to do the laundry.
  49. They never do it right.
  50. I hate matching socks.
  51. Running the dryer with dry stuff is a huge pet peeve.
  52. It causes static on the clothes people. Put something wet in the dryer to remove the wrinkles.
  53. I tried cross country in junior high.
  54. Gave it up for indoor soccer.
  55. I wasn't good at either.
  56. Played volleyball in PE class in college.
  57. I totally rocked.
  58. I hate that I love reading People and US Magazine
  59. I don’t like beer despite people telling me that I would grow to like it.
  60. It smells like vomit breath.
  61. I hate camping, but my hubby keep trying to change my mind. It isn’t working.
  62. I love to sing.
  63. I'm terrible though.
  64. Unless I'm all alone, then I'm a rock star and never off key. Ever.
  65. Love getting pedicures.
  66. I hate touching other people’s feet though.
  67. Manicures are awesome.
  68. I had braces for 4 grueling years.
  69. I had glasses.
  70. Just for reading.
  71. I have no idea where those glasses are now
  72. I don't understand women who squat at public restrooms to avoid germs on the toilet seat. Then they leave pee on the toilet seat which begins the vicious cycle. Just put toilet paper down people!
  73. I have a large capacity to store useless information in my brain
  74. You'd think it would make me good at Trivial Pursuit, but it doesn't.
  75. I rock at useless pop culture trivia
  76. Sometimes I can totally guess the right answer.
  77. My favorite dog is a lab.
  78. I would love to learn how to ballroom dance.
  79. My favorite flower is a calla lily.
  80. I love massages.
  81. I usually have to beg to get one.
  82. I Love amusement park rides.
  83. I love cooking.
  84. I love baking more.
  85. Eating out is much less time consuming though.
  86. Hates sharing dessert at restaurants.
  87. Luckily my hubby isn't much of a restaurant dessert person.
  88. I am not much of a cat person.
  89. I had a cat growing up though. Loved him.
  90. I don’t really know what my favorite color would be.
  91. I am also all about the color combination chocolate brown and pink at the moment.
  92. I am not scared of needles or blood, but still look away.
  93. First DVD I ever bought was Broke Down Palace.
  94.  I think there are few things better than a glass of rich, dry red wine and some dark chocolate.
  95. I never miss and episode of Lost or Grey’s Anatomy.
  96. I love pepperoni pizza.
  97. Hawaiian with Alfredo sauce is a close second.
  98. I used to hate football and basketball.
  99. You wouldn't know that now. Go Cowboys! Go Mavs!
  100. I organize my closet by type of clothes and color.